Saturday, December 7, 2019

Leadership in a Hotel Industry

Question: Disucss about the importance of Leadership and Motivation in a Hotel Industry. Answer: The Importance Of Leadership And Motivation In A Hotel Industry Leadership and motivation are major pillars in modern age where marketing an industry and maintaining customers has been the major challenge. Motivation of both the employees and customers is a factor that the management of any institution tries to their level best to control or keep in check. Team motivation is critical since it causes change of parameters that are in control. (Burke and Barron, 2014). Leaders need to focus on productivity and connect with employees to draw talented results of their performance. (Schoemaker, Krupp and Howland , 2013). Leadership of institutions has put aside large monies to cater for motivation but in due cause no fruitful result. The work majors on relationship between leadership and motivation of employees and major role of leadership towards motivation in hotel industry. Research Philosophy It is defined by research paradigm that is a broad framework which includes beliefs, perceptions and understanding of several theories and way to carry out research (Cohen, L. Manison, L and Morrison, K.R.B,(2007)). These give the guideline on how the research will be conducted. Realism philosophy mainly concentrates in the reality and beliefs that are already exist in the environment. (McMurray, Pace and Scott 2004) Critical realism argues on experiences of a situation (Sekaran and Bougie 2010) In the hotel industry is one of the most dependent labour forces that dependent on the number of hours employees work. In this industry everything is dependent on staff from preparation to services to customers. How well all these services and works are done depends on the management of the workers. Those in the management of the members of staff hold the success or failure of the industry. (Miller, Walker Drummond, 2007) Current management tends to use better ways instead of power tactics of the past. The power tactic has proved to counterproductive. The motivating of workers has given the best outcome (Manning Curtis, 2009) Interpersonal skill of guest and staff in the hotel industry is also very important trait in leadership. Listenining, questioning, negotiating and interacting with stakeholders of hotel industrial is crucial. (Eikenberry, K., 2007) Previous researches have shown that the leadership style in the hotel industry is a key factor in the success of management of the employees. The style of leadership in which motivation is a pillar has a scope of discussion. Ambrose and Kulik (1999: 232) describe how work motivation can be measured using both attitudinal (e.g. job satisfaction) and behavioural (e.g. job performance) measures. This research employs both attitudinal (job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment and work meaning) and behavioural measures of work motivation Data Collection Methods The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey research design. According to Polit and Beck (2010), this design necessitates a more economical collection of data at one point in time and is fundamental in objective analysis due to timing similarity. In the hotel industry, the research uses experimental methods to test the influence of motivation among the employees in the industry. All the data used included primary. Direct observation is used to collect primary data. Data collection was based on the research questions (Sekaran Bougie, 2013.) In the research topic depends on who, how, when thus is finding out the role of leadership and the management then the study is descriptive (Cooper and Schindler, 2011) According to Sekaran and Bougie (2013) the descriptive studies help the researcher to: 1)have enough understand the characteristics of a group under study which are employees and leaders in the hotel industry 2) In a given order think about aspects in a given situation 3) forecast on future scope of research to be undertaken and 4) critical in making decision. The study undertakes survey with the objectives of measuring the attitudes, opinions, knowledge, behaviours and awareness both inside and outside the organization (Zikmund, Babin, Carr Griffin, 2010). In the process of data collection and making use of survey gives control over the whole research process and after the sampling process the outcomes serve as the representative of population, (Neuman, W. L., 2014). Population is defined as a group of objects or persons that are under study for statistical purpose (Collis Hussey, 2009). The population consists of both managerial and non-managerial staffs. Departments including finance, human resources, housekeeping and food and beverages (kitchen service). The population is heterogeneous in nature that is it involves different groups. The nature of population being heterogeneous in nature in order to apply single random sampling, the data first is divided into homogeneous groups of managerial and non-managerial using stratified sampling method. A simple random sampling technique was used since all the elements in the population have equal chances of being selected (Cooper Schindler, 2011). The population under study includes different departments and thus considered as strata. Simple random sampling involves one selecting a sample at random in the sampling frame using random tables, a computer random number generator (Saunders et. al., 2009). A questionnaire is the data collection technique that survey uses (Quinlan, 2011). The descriptive design serves the research as it investigates the role of leadership and motivation and performance. A principle about a sample is that the smaller the population is that larger the sample should be to give more accurate outcomes (Quinlan, 2011). According to Zikmund et. al ( 2010) the sample should consider the variance of the population that is heterogeneity, the acceptable error of study and finally the confidence interval. Data Analysis Technique The data that will be collected will be analyzed using the descriptive methodology since the most prevailing question how the management and motivation affects job outcome. In the analysis the data is prepared by editing, coding and entry in the statistical software to ensure the appropriateness for the analysis (Cooper and Schindler, 2011). Data coding is the process of assigning a particular response with number with a given database (Sekaran Bougie, 2013). Descriptive statistics catered measures of tendency including the mean, median and mode. Frequencies were obtained and presentation made on chart, tables, and graphs and cross tabulation. Inferential analysis was used to make conclusions of the sample that forecasted the population (Quinlan, 2011). The binary logistic model was used to give the leadership styles and motivation of the workers. Motivation can be discussed in three dimensions of due to how rewarding will be done, efforts will result by rewarding and profitability of rewarding (Newstrom, 2011). Sekaran and Bougie (2013) notes the challenges that can be faced by researchers attempting to administer respondent-completed surveys within organizations as opposed to surveys of individuals or households. The software for analysis that coding was coded in and analysis was done in statistical software for social sciences (SPSS). Ethic Issues The fundamental issues that any business must face are integrity and trust. The hotel industry have the responsibility to develop codes of conduct and ethics that ever member of any organization should follow to the letter. In the research consist of three levels of ethics which can be review as self, group and future ethics. The members of staff that include all workers and the leadership departments, the discipline of time management, etiquette to other workers and customers is very essential for growth and development of industry. The services provided by the workers in the hotel industry should ensure that acceptable to customers and also ethical. Dress code should be neat and acceptable, (Tashakkori C. Teddlie, 2003). These are the ethics that govern even the management in the organization. The leaders should observe them to the letter. These ethics are important in decision making in the industry. The society also has the role it majors in the ethics of the industry. In the hotel industry some of the beverages that are in use should be designated for certain groups, (Metz, E. C., Youniss, J, 2004). Due to ethical factors leaders and workers must be prepared to work under changing conditions. They should also learn to acquire adaptation and work in changing conditions (Eikenberry, 2007). References: Ambrose, M.L., Kulik, C.T. (1999). Old friends, new faces: Motivation research in the 1990s. Journal of Management, 25, 231-292 Burke, R. and Barron, S. (n.d.). Project management leadership Brooks, I. (2009). Organisational Behaviour, Individuals, Groups and Organisation. 4thed. Essex, ENG: Pearson Education Limited. Borghans, L., Duckworth, A. L., Heckman, J. J., Ter Weel, B. (2008). The economics and psychology of personality traits. Journal of Human Resources, 43(4), 972-1059 Campbell, J.L. 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